Article VIII – Board Committees

Section 1. Standing Committees. The Cooperative shall have the following standing committees:

  1. Annual Membership Meeting.
  2. Benefits.
  3. Executive.
  4. Finance.
  5. Governing Documents.
  6. Scholarship.

Annually, the Chairman, with the approval of the Board, shall appoint the Directors to serve on each of the Standing Committees.

Section 2. Creation of Additional Standing Committees. The Chairman, with the approval of the Board, may create additional Standing Committees and delineate the duties of such Committee. Further, the Chairman, with the approval of the Board, shall appoint the Directors to serve on each committee.

Section 3. Merger, Consolidation, or Termination of Standing Committees. The Chairman of the Board or Documents Committee, with the approval of the Board, may merge, consolidate, or terminate any Standing Committees. Chairman of the Board or Documents Committee, with the approval of the Board, may create additional Standing Committees and delineate the duties of such Committee. Further, the Chairman, with the approval of the Board shall appoint the Directors to serve on each committee.

Section 4. Special Committees. From time to time, the Chairman, with the approval of the Board, may create Special Committees, with definite duties prescribed. The Chairman, with the approval of the Board, shall appoint the Directors to serve on each committee. All Special Committees (i.e., all committees, task forces, etc.; except Standing Committees) shall cease to exist on the third anniversary of their respective creation, unless an earlier date of termination is specified at the time of creation of the Special Committee. The Board may extend the life of a Special Committee prior to its expiration by a duly adopted resolution.

Section 5. Committee Reports. Each Standing and Special Committee shall report to the Board as requested.